The shop looks like a frat house post-bash this morning. The samples are all a-tilt, the yarn is all askew, and the floors are sticky with sleet grime. And you know what? I couldn't be happier about all this, because it all serves as a reminder of fun, frivolity and wildness from yesterday's 1,000 Knitters photshoot with Franklin Habit!
The shoot was a HUGE success. We had twice the number we were targeting and it was standing-room-only even before the event officially started. At one point, My Man Paul (MMP) commented that the shop was going to look like one of those clown cars when everyone left.
It was so wonderful to meet Franklin in person. He has this uncanny ability to calm and entertain everyone around him. He arrived with an entourage comprising his father and his sister Sue, mother of Franklin's Exceptional Niece Abigail (ENA). Unfortunately ENA couldn't make it because she was having a coo fest with her grandmother.
People crossed state borders to get a chance to model for Frankin. The prize for Most Distance Traveled Specifically For The Event goes to Lilith, who drove from Connecticut, and then turned around and drove back home again. The prize for Most Distance Traveled Without Qualifiers goes to Amy, who happened to be in town from California to spend the holidays with family. She came up with her knitbuddy Marlena.
There were others from NH, MA, and someone from somewhere Aroostook (I know Aroostook isn't another state but it is so far away that it might as well be in this case).
It was fun to see knitbloggers connect, and to recognize people from their Ravelry avatars. Loki - who was on her very best behavior all afternoon - got to see Dr. Mel, the vet/knitblogger who treated her after her run-in with the neighbor's pitbull.
And gifts! I received so many gifts!! There were sweet-and-salty treats from Melissa, a bottle of Puerto Rican Eggnog from Lisa, a rubber stamp from Dean, cookies from Jacque and Sandie, chocolate from Karen, a plant from Hannah. (If I'm missing anyone here it is because I am buzzing from all the sugar and rum.)
Denise couldn't make it due to work commitments, but Karen took good care of her and I do believe there's something special from Franklin awaiting her.
It was heartwarming to see entire families gather together for this event. Mother-daughter teams. Mother-son teams. Mother-daughter-son teams. Husband-wife teams. They were all represented.
Eventually, the Purl Diva Wig* came out. (Hey, it's much more fun than a lampshade!)
At the risk of sounding like an Academy Award winner, I'd like to say the following:
Thank you everyone who participated and made it such a fun day!
A special thanks to Franklin for taking time out of his holiday-family-time to do the shoot.
Thanks to Franklin's family for driving him up here.
Thanks to everyone who came from far away, and who brought me goodies.
And a very special thanks to MMP, who stepped into many roles over the course of the day (photographer assistant, caterer, herder-of-knitters, emcee, dog walker, charming dinner companion, and limo driver) to make the whole process run so smoothly.
You peeps are the best!
*FYI: Hatmaker/knitwear designer/opera singer Lisa Daehlin made this wig!
You will be "on my list" the next time we excape Texas and get to Maine. Woot!
Posted by: PainterWoman | January 01, 2008 at 11:34 PM
Thank you so much for hosting the shoot! I had a lot of fun, and next time I'm in the area (or, you know, within *two* hours instead of four), I'll stop by again. :)
Posted by: Lilith | January 01, 2008 at 10:21 PM
Ohhh, I'm so sorry to have missed the big event! (Thanks to in-laws arriving early!)...looks like you had an awesome time!
Posted by: Bobbie | December 26, 2007 at 09:49 AM
We had a great time! Thanks for hosting the wonderful event. I'm glad we showed up early because it was looking very frat-party-like when we left. It was wonderful to meet you and thank Paul for being a great host also!
Posted by: brenda | December 25, 2007 at 07:05 PM
We all had a grand time! And thanks for the link to James' blog. His mom subbed for my kiddo, and his ex SIL used to live next door to me, AND they all know the neighbor 2 doors down, who I know as Barb, but they know as Missy. Thanks again for hosting such a good time.
Posted by: lisa | December 23, 2007 at 06:53 PM
I'm happy the photoshoot went so well. Trust me when I say that I wish I had been there. I found my little something from Franklin posted @ eye level when I got home from work - it was great. My husband was a bit mystified.
Again, I wish I'd been there to join in on the fun.
Posted by: Denise | December 23, 2007 at 05:38 PM
Woo Hoo! It was a perfect part of a holiday celebration up here in Maine. Thanks so much for hosting!
Posted by: James in Washington (& Maine) | December 23, 2007 at 05:36 PM